
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Where do the RSPCA statistics come from?

The RSPCA's welfare statistics are produced as the result of over 200 people (many of them unpaid volunteers like me) each completing a spreadsheet recording animal welfare activity over the past month in an Excel workbook. At the year end, the workbook automatically summarises 12 monthly sheets to generate figures, which are sent in to Horsham and used to generate the final statistics which are published in the Annual Report and Accounts of the Society.

The independent Branches, nationally-run centres (like Block Fen and the large animal hospitals), and the Inspectors all generate spreadsheets to feed in to the final report.

Our own branch return for 2012 is shown below to give you an idea of how one is made up.

Points to note:
  • We have an animal clinic, so we provide an unusually large number of welfare treatments for owned animals in comparison with branches who can only offer vouchers to use at private vets.

  • We don't have our own animal home, so any inspectorate "case" animals (animals in care as the result of a prosecution) only come into our care once the case is completed or they have been signed over by their owner.

  • Animals with no chance of survival, for example a cat with a broken back, would normally be put to sleep by a vet during the initial emergency treatment period which is funded by the national RSPCA and would be recorded in the statistics kept by them.

  • Dogs are most likely to come in direct from an owner because of a welfare concern, while cats are relatively more likely to come in as sick/injured strays. This is because stray dogs are legally the responsibility of the Local Authority. Dogs may sometimes be taken in as injured strays if they need immediate help and the Local Authority animal warden can't be contacted.

  • Animals are sometimes in care because their mother was heavily pregnant when she was brought in.

  • The "non RSPCA-Generated" category represents animals taken in because they were unwanted but in the absence of any concern that they would be made to suffer if not taken in. It is RSPCA policy to give priority to "RSPCA-Generated" animals so that they can be kept as long as is necessary to find them a home provided this will not cause them suffering.

    Some branches with animal homes who take in stray dogs from their local authority, so they can be rehomed instead of euthanased, will have a lot more non RSPCA-Generated than we do.

  • Feral cats will be trapped, neutered and released if possible but would be put to sleep if the only alternative was to keep them permanently caged and in distress.

  • Reasons for euthanasia are aggregated in the final published totals in the Annual Report so that the distinction is only between homeable and unhomeable animals (for wild animals between animals fit to be released if a site was available and animals who can't be released). Arguably feral cats should be reported like wild animals (recording any healthy cats who were put to sleep because no release sites could be found).

  • To collect meaningful results from so many individuals the form has to be straightforward enough to be completed. Over-complicating it would probably mean some volunteers submitted late or not at all (because it is difficult to convince people that a return with some errors is preferable to no return at all). This means it probably isn't going to be possible to collect some data which would potentially be very useful—such as comparative euthanasia rates for large dogs vs small ones, animals of different ages or cats who are timid but not feral.

    This is probably already an issue for some of the reasons for euthanasia (e.g. "behaviour" vs "aggression" is probably trying to capture the distinction between the dog who might kill someone and the cat who sprays indoors) but I would be surprised if no-one was ever confused by this and aggregating the data probably produces a more accurate result.

Period covered:



Cambridge & District

(1) Animals in branch care

(4) Microchipping

Dog Cat Rabbit Misc Total

Dog Cat Rabbit Misc Total

Balance at start of year 4 24 3 6 37

Rehomed animals 11 94 0 4 109

Welfare/Vouchers redeemed 45 13 0 0 58

IN Reason for entry

Welfare micro-chipping events 71 46 0 0 117

RSPCA Generated Dog Cat Rabbit Misc Total

Total 127 153 0 4 284

Inspectorate case animals 4 10 0 0 14

Welfare concern 12 33 4 19 68

Welfare/Vouchers issued 0 0 0 0 0

Unowned sick and injured via NCC 2 51 4 7 64

Pet Retreat and home for life 0 0 0 0 0

Transfers from RSPCA centres 0 0 0 0 0

Returns 2 2 0 0 4

(5) Neutering

Born in branch care 0 11 0 6 17

Dog Cat Rabbit Misc Total

Total in - RSPCA Generated in 20 107 8 32 167

Rehomed animals 9 76 4 13 102

Welfare/Vouchers redeemed 73 11 7 3 94

Non-RSPCA Generated 1 0 0 0 1

Welfare neutering events 31 2 0 0 33

Total 113 89 11 16 229

OUT Reason for leaving

Dog Cat Rabbit Misc Total

Welfare/Vouchers issued 0 0 0 0 0

Rehomed 12 95 9 36 152

Died 0 2 2 2 6

Transferred out 6 16 0 0 22

Other 0 1 0 0 1

(6) Welfare assistance

PTS 2 7 0 0 9

Dog Cat Rabbit Misc Total

Total out 20 121 11 38 190

Branch clinic 2592 1058 76 49 3775

Welfare/Vouchers redeemed 14 7 3 0 24

Animals in care at end of month

Welfare events 0 0 0 0 0

Dog Cat Rabbit Misc Total

Total 2606 1065 79 49 3799

Balance at end of year 5 10 0 0 15

Welfare/Vouchers issued 0 0 0 0 0

(2) Homevisiting

(7) Feral Cats

Dog Cat Rabbit Misc Total

No. of Feral cats neutered & released


Pre-home visits 47 93 4 2 146

Post-home visits 8 23 0 0 31

(8) Length of Stay of animals currently in care

Dog Cat Rabbit Misc Total

(3) Animals in Branch care and

0-3 months 2 8 0 0 10

subsequently PTS

4-6 months 2 2 0 0 4

Reason Dog Cat Rabbit Misc Total

Over 6 months 1 0 0 0 1

Vet Advice 2 7 0 0 9

Total 5 10 0 0 15

Animal's best interest 0 0 0 0 0

Aggression 0 0 0 0 0

Behavioural 0 0 0 0 0

Unwanted/unhomed 0 0 0 0 0

(9) Wildlife Information

Orphaned 0 0 0 0 0

Feral 0 0 0 0 0

Accepted 0

Legal 0 0 0 0 0

Total 2 7 0 0 9

Transferred 0

At owners insistence 0 0 0 0 0

Released 0

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