
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Before and after

We don't very often have a definite demonstration of a result of what we do, so I thought these two photos made a nice change. They really are the same cat.

Much better now!
Rupert looking decidedly the worse for wear


  1. hi
    we have been very loyal and keen supporters of the RSPCA and had left all of our estate to you, but because the way I have been treated by your center manager Jackie today and for a few days our wills have been changed and instead of the RSPCA our estate is now going to another animal welfare charity.

    Jackie has on a number of occasions run down volunteers at the center. Saying personal things which are not nice about them and pointing fun as well.
    Jackie is lazy and a terrible manager and how she has kept her job is beyond us.

    Block Fen animal center used to be a lovely place, but not now. Jackie in a email talked of her getting a bollocking !!

    The Horsefair shopping complex manager told me today that he had invited Block Fen to their charity event. He was told, yes they would love to attend. On the day they did not attend nor even telephone to say sorry. This is the second time this has happened.

    I have been working on organising an auction for the RSPCA and Jackie wasn’t at all interested until I told her of a lady who was going to donate a ring she had paid over $500 for and had also ordered a pet bed for over $100 and then Jackie could not do enough for this person. I was also given a brand new monitor for Block Fen.

    I was going to make application for grants for Block Fen RSPCA as I was employed by Oxfam as an area manager for 10 years.

    Jackie has lost you lots of funds through her rudeness and laziness

    I have been a volunteer with my partner, but have not received any induction and probably Jackie doesn’t even know where we live !!

    Kind regards
    Derek Fitch

    1. Dear Derek,
      I'm sorry you are dissatisfied by your experience of volunteering at Block Fen. This centre is run by the National RSPCA, not by RSPCA Cambridge branch, so I'm afraid I don't know all the details of their arrangements for attending fundraising events.

      If you want to take this further you could either write to:
      Customer Service Co-ordinator
      Wilberforce Way
      West Sussex
      RH13 9RS

      or send HQ a secure message via their website

      Kind regards,

