
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

End of year statistics for 2012

Blossom: still looking...

Hot off the calculator...

In 2012 RSPCA Cambridge rehomed 12 dogs, 93 cats, 9 rabbits and 36 miscellaneous "small furries" and domesticated birds—a grand total of 150 animals.

For comparison, we rehomed 29 dogs, 75 cats, 11 rabbits and 13 miscellaneous in 2011—the increase probably being due to us taking in a larger number of kittens in 2012, as these would tend to be rehomed more rapidly.

Two dogs and seven cats had to be put to sleep on veterinary advice that further treatment would be futile.

We provided 2,606 assisted veterinary treatments for dogs, 1,065 for cats, 79 for rabbits and 49 for miscellaneous small furries.

This was a slight decrease on 2011, due to us being forced to cut back the amount of supplementary help we were able to give via private vets.

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