
Friday, December 10, 2010

Message from Katie, who will be trying to pull together our branch volunteering activities

Just to let everyone know that the volunteers meeting will be held, as usual, at Emporium 61 on Burleigh Street next Thursday (16th December) beginning at 7.30pm. I hope to see as many of you there as possible!  As of January we will be holding these regular meetings at the Cornerhouse Pub on Newmarket Road and hope that this will make for a nicer atmosphere as well as encourage a few more new faces!
I have attached the proposed fundraising calendar for next year and as always we will require any help that you can offer. Be it an hour, a day or a week! (Particularly for fundraisers during RSPCA week really anytime you can spare will make a difference).
Just to introduce myself a little more formally, my name is Katie and I recently graduated from the University of Exeter, currently I am working in Sawston for a small market research company. As I work 9-5.30, email is the best way to get in touch with me but I am hoping to become a central point of contact for all volunteers. I want to make sure that everyone is happy so any feedback you can offer will be greatly appreciated. Another part of my role is recruiting new volunteers as well as coordinating the volunteers needed for some of our larger events such as RSPCA week and hopefully next year our sponsored dog walk and dog show!
I will be using an email list to let you all know what is going on, any events that are coming up and general reminders. I fully appreciate that no one wants to be bombarded with emails and so I will try and keep this to a bare minimum. If you would like to be taken off of this list for ANY reason please do let me know!
Anyway Happy Holidays to all of you and thank you for all of your hard work this year!!
Best Wishes

(If you would like to be added to the volunteering email list, please send an email to


One World Week @ University of Cambridge : Work for A charity  event


RSPCA Week (2nd-8th May)
Sponsored Dog Walk Half term (30th May- 3rd of June)
Microchipping day/ Dog Show we are hoping to combine an ‘alternative dog show’ with a microchipping event for dogs £10 per microchip with an average saving of £10 which raises £6 for each microchip
RSPCA AGM-end of June
Summer activities- Bingo night/ Pub Quiz/ Treasure Hunt/ Race night/ bat walk one activity a fortnight over the summer
Pole Dancing/ Pilates/ Yoga trials
Freshers Fair @ Cambridge university


Mill Road Christmas light switch on
Mill Road Winter Fair
Meeting for next year’s fundraising calendar
Christmas Event- All ideas welcome!!

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