
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Urgent: special needs cat needing a home

URGENT post from Janine

I have heard of a young stray black male cat (around two years old) who was taken by his finder to a vets in Cambridge to be scanned for a microchip. He hasn't been chipped. But whilst at the vets he was blood tested and unfortunately found to be FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) positive.

He is not showing any symptoms and, despite having been very timid when he first turned up at finders, he is now a lovely friendly fellow. It seems a great shame for him to be put to sleep which, at the moment, is the only option if a home can't be found.

I've a lot of experience with FIV cats & have a run specially for two FIV cats. But, as it's full, I can't take him myself at the moment. If you know of anyone who may be able to take on this little fellow, I would be happy to give as much information as I can about FIV cats.

Basically what is needed is:

  •  to be kept away from FIV negative cats to prevent it being passed on. It is however only contagious to cats, not other species, and not easily transmitted: has to get into bloodstream - usually through biting another cat
  • this means either being kept as an indoor home (or with an outdoor run if available) and not mixing with cats unless they are also FIV positive.
  • FIV positive cats can go on for years with no symptoms. However, if or when the virus affects their immune system, any illness they get can then affect them very quickly and so they need a close eye on their health.

Please let me know if anyone can help.
Best Wishes

If anyone can help with this cat, please email

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