
Friday, November 28, 2008

Puppy Spam?

Has anyone else been getting emails that are ostensibly from someone who needs to rehome a litter of bulldog puppies because of family problems? We've had several, with slightly different variations on the story, and are wondering whether they're some kind of scam. Bulldogs are a comparatively rare breed and it would be very surprising to have several owners who'd bred one litter having family disasters in quick succession. Actually it would be surprising if a genuine breeder of pedigree bulldogs wasn't already in contact with other breed enthusiasts —the owner of the puppies' father, for starters — who would be able and willing to take on the job of placing the pups. 

Possible motivations might be:
  • They're spam adverts targeted at anyone with an animal-related web page from someone who's breeding bulldogs commercially but wants to give the impression that these are puppies reared in a domestic home. 
  • They're some kind of advance-fee fraud - hoping to get a payment before puppies are delivered.
  • They're not actually anything to do with dogs, and they're simply trying to provoke a response to verify that they've harvested a live email address.


  1. Yeah - they're definitely a scam. We've been getting them to our rescues here in Oz for about three months?

    If you contact them, they'll ask that you forward them money for 'transport' of the pups.

    Caveat emptor, eh? ;)

  2. Thanks for that. Better than another puppy farming wheeze I suppose.
