
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Justgiving three month trial

We've just signed up for a three month trial of the Justgiving fundraising site. This is similar to Charities Aid Foundation, but has more functions (although its fees are a bit higher after the initial trial period). 

One of the options which Justgiving offers is fundraising pages to allow our supporters to raise money for us. This makes it possible to have online pages for sponsored walks, or to raise targeted funds for particular projects.

Online introduction to Justgiving from Lee @ Jg on Vimeo.


  1. You might be interested to know that as well as JustGiving, you can also set up frundraiser pages on Everyclick. It is a fully integrated fundraising platform offering sponsorship, donate, shopping and their web search facility from which they donate 50% of generated income to the charity of your choice. All their services are free to use and their charge on credit card donations is the cheapest out there.

    The have just launched their Christmas campaign, Considerate Christmas, which allows you to send eChristmas Cards with a donation to any charity in the UK!

  2. Thanks, that's worth knowing, I'll give it a go.

    The main reason why I switched from CAF was lack of reliability of their servers - I guess they weren't able to divert enough funds from their core activities into the efundraising side of things - so I'm open to trying any other possibilities.
